Friday, May 09, 2008

Anti Zionists: who are you? HA HA HA HA HA HA...

You can't make this stuff up. Oh wait, they did. This is seriously hysterically funny and ohmigosh, this stuff is funny. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS CLASSIC.

When you're done with that one, read how these guys helped perpetrate the hoax that Che Guevara was actually Jewish (and supposedly on a mission to forcibly convert Bolivian Indians to Judaism when he was assassinated by the C.I.A.) and best of all, read how world media fell for the nonsense! CLICK HERE FOR THAT GOODIE.

Heh. These guys are great.

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Documents show UK post-WWII dilemma over Jewish refugees

By GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press Writer

LONDON - Documents released Monday show how the British government tried to send thousands of Palestine-bound Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide back to postwar Germany without inflaming world opinion.

Could it be done? The answer was no. It was just two years after the end of the war and the world was outraged by the systematic murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis in what became known as the Holocaust.

Despite the best efforts of early spin doctors to portray the move in the most sympathetic light, the decision to turn away the more than 4,500 Jews on board the Exodus refugee ship turned into a humanitarian and public relations debacle for Britain.

The story is detailed in more than 400 pages of formerly secret documents at Britain's National Archives made available to the public on Monday.


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