Thursday, September 07, 2006


The LINK To Every Jewish Link and Link And Link...

In Honor of My Friend, Jay Adler

Zionist play with Marlon Brando and Adler family marks 60 years
By Rafael MedoffAugust 31, 2006

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 27 (JTA) — Broadway plays don’t usually produce political or social change. But Ben Hecht’s controversial pro-Zionist play, “A Flag is Born,” which debuted 60 years ago, had an impact on three of the most contentious issues of its day: the fight to establish a Jewish state, the smuggling of Holocaust survivors to Palestine and the battle against racial segregation in the United States.

Hecht, an Academy Award-winning screenwriter, was active in the Bergson Group, a 1940s political action committee that lobbied for the rescue of Jews from Hitler and for the creation of a Jewish state. It made waves by using protest tactics that were unusual...