Sunday, March 18, 2007

- Writer Blog
- Brain Juice
Ideas to Kickstart the Creative Process - Brain Farts
Assorted Mental Flotsam & Jetsom - The Useful Stuff Blog
- More of uhuru1701's photos

Other Blogs of Interest
- Bais Midrash Toras HaShem
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- The New Babylon Times
- A Simple Jew
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- IsraPundit
- An Unsealed Room
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- Mystical Paths
- Jewish Blogging
- Campaign to Divest from Palestine
- If I Forget Thee...
- Thoughts from a Rabbi
- Jewsweek
- Kesher Talk
Jewish/Israel Links
- Bais Midrash Toras HaShem
- Aish HaTorah
- Chabad
- Shema Israel Torah Network
- Rabbi Wein - "The Voice of Jewish History"
- JOFA - Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
- Israel Government Portal
- Information About Israel
- Aliyah Assistance from Nefesh B'Nefesh
- Israel Aliyah Center
- Aliyah InfoBase
- The Jewish Agency
- The Jewish Virtual Library
- American Israel Public Affairs Committee
- Hadassah
- Maven Search
- Israel's Own Jewish Bookmarks
- Yad Vashem - The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
- Simon Weisenthal Center
- Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
- Official Anne Frank Website
TZEDAKAH - "Because G-d says so, that's why."
- Just-Tzedakah Home - reports on many Jewish charities
- Hurricane Katrina Relief - through Jewish organizations
- Aleph Institute - serving Jews in institutional settings such as the military or prison
- Mazon - "A Jewish Response to Hunger"
- Support a Jewish (Israeli) Family Victimized by Terrorists
- Jerusalem Post Guide to Charities and Non-Profits
- The evacuees of Gush Katif desperately need your help
To Be A Jew by Hayim Halevy Donin
To Pray as a Jew by Hayim Halevy Donin
How To Run A Traditional Jewish Household by Blu Greenberg
On Women and Judaism by Blu Greenberg
Hebrew for Dummies
Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Yiddish
How to Keep Kosher : A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Jewish Dietary Laws
A Day Apart: Shabbat at Home
The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz
Spectacular Israel
The Story of the Jewish Defense League by Meir Kahane
Listen World, Listen Jew by Meir Kahane
American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us
The Greatest Jewish Stories Ever Told- no image
Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another
Previous Posts
- The Rebbe
- What the Rabbi said...
- A Dear Friend, Barry Krugel
- Anti Zionists: who are you? HA HA HA HA HA HA...
- Documents show UK post-WWII dilemma over Jewish re...
- Trial of US citizens charged with plotting to trai...
- Working hard for peace, I see...
- Partners for Peace?
- Whores for Death [a series of articles] - Dareen A...
- Whores for Death [a series of articles] - Wafa Idris
- 2005-10-30
- 2005-11-06
- 2005-11-13
- 2005-12-04
- 2005-12-25
- 2006-03-05
- 2006-03-19
- 2006-03-26
- 2006-04-02
- 2006-04-09
- 2006-04-16
- 2006-04-23
- 2006-08-13
- 2006-08-27
- 2006-09-03
- 2007-01-21
- 2007-02-11
- 2007-03-04
- 2007-03-18
- 2007-04-01
- 2007-05-06
- 2007-07-08
- 2007-07-15
- 2007-07-22
- 2007-07-29
- 2007-08-12
- 2007-08-19
- 2007-08-26
- 2007-10-07
- 2007-11-04
- 2007-11-25
- 2007-12-02
- 2007-12-16
- 2007-12-23
- 2008-01-27
- 2008-03-23
- 2008-03-30
- 2008-05-04
- 2008-07-20
- 2008-07-27