The Truth About Bob and Rochelle Manning

my friend
The truth about my friend, Rochelle Manning, is that she was a devoted wife and mother who lived for the happiness and well-being of her child (when I find the photo I snapped of Rochelle and daughter at an Israel Birthday in the Park, I will post it). Rochelle would have endured any torture, any punishment, any death rather than consciously and willingly commit any act that would have brought pain to her loved ones. Rochelle would never have participated in any murder plot and all law enforcement agencies involved in her arrest, perverted evidence, double jeopardy trials, and eventual death in prison do know this very well. Let my one measly little post on a blog here be one more voice crying out the truth in honor of a beautiful and dedicated Jewish mother.
Bob Manning is a very funny guy who always had me laughing with his crazy stories. He is utterly dedicated to the survival of the Jewish people and although I cannot speak to his every nuance of speech, declarations made, actions taken, I do believe wholeheartedly that he did not do the thing that has sent him to prison for 30 years and when his first parole hearing comes up in about another 20 years, he will have to decide if getting out of jail is worth the price of having to confess to a crime he did not commit. I know Bob's character and his sense of honor. And I cannot tell you if he will be able to tell the lie that he committed the crime that sent him to prison. The truth is, he did not do it. But can he say that he did just to buy a get-out-of-jail ticket?
If the price of getting out of jail and out from under charges for a crime he did not commit meant Bob Manning had to open his mouth and say out loud the name of someone who had access to his business or home, someone he trusted, someone he thought was a friend, someone who was a fellow Jew... well, Bob is now in jail for many long years to come and there is the answer to that.
Even after all these years in prison, Bob Manning remains a frum Jew and devoted to Torah study and honoring the will of G-d.
The history of how he came to be in prison and his wife Rochelle was hounded unto death is told in some extensive detail by American-Israeli journalist Maggid ben Yoseif, a senior member of the editorial staff at The Jerusalem Post. Because the investigative report is freely available on the internet and the writer/editor is also an American citizen, the report is not subject to Israeli censorship.
I urge everyone to read the truth HERE.
From the article: According to the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee director of legal services who was quoted in the Los Angeles Times in the report of Manning’s arrest pending extradition, the FBI had identified Manning as a prime suspect in the Wilkerson case prior to March 1987. But the only evidence so linking him (which has been found suspect) did not surface until April 1988. The Arab lobby wanted Manning in connection with the death of West Coast ADC Chairman Alex Odeh and would press the State Department however necessary to get him.
Just a note to let you know that the link above has been changed to The old address (without the hyphen) was pirated after I delivered a message to the White House this past summer from the granddaughter of Geronimo asking for her grandather's skull and bones so that he could complete his journey and the Apache curse against the Bush family, which has attached itself to the nation through the Bush presidency, can end.
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