Monday, March 27, 2006

Islamofascists are making us all Israelis

Islamofascists are making us all Israelis
Arlene Peck
Monday 12 February 2006

Eons ago, when I was going through a divorce, people would come to me and say, “Poor thing, I know how you feel” And I’d think, “No, you don’t.” There are some feelings that, unless mutually experienced, you just cannot comprehend. The death of a family dog, for instance, means nothing to a friend unless they are also a dog lover.

Now that the rest of the world has no choice but to witness the demonic, savage culture Israel has had to contend with for its’ entire existence, suddenly the times, they are a-changing! No longer are we hearing the politically correct mantra, “Oh, can’t them Jews and A-rabs jus’ get along and stop all that fighting.”

Since the world has been reluctantly forced to absorb scenes of mobs raging through major European cities, fists in the air, shouting “Jihad, jihad, behead, behead!”, the take has changed. The latest “offended Muslim” chants of “Exterminate those who mock Islam,” “Be prepared for the real Holocaust”, “Europe, learn your lesson from 9/11” and “Europe you will pay, your 9/11 is on the way”, has the “shock jocks” shouting, “Nuke them! Nuke them!”

How ironic, that a few cartoons are achieving what Israel’s entire history, 9/11 and our young heroes returning from Iraq in body bags, had only partially been able to achieve; an unavoidable awareness of the Islamic reality.

Good Lord, I think we are finally getting it.



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